Identifying and understanding optionality with value of information

Meat and potatoes decision analysis is OK, but you are possibly missing the big upside of optionality in your evaluation. We will develop a case study and learn some critical elements as we conduct real-time the analysis that might impact our choices – picking the proper reference case, the impact of essential assumptions, how new information can give us optionality.

This will be a dialogue between Alex Sidorenko and Brian Putt. We will utilize an active DA model in SIPmath that we work to answer Alex’s questions as he develops optionality for his decision. Graphics will play a large part in explaining the value of optionality.

Join us for this unplanned journey into value of imperfect information.

About The Speakers

Brian Putt

Brian Putt

Decision Quality Consultant, Putt DQ Consulting

Brian is currently a Decision Quality Consultant to assist organizations in making good decisions using probabilistic analysis. He maintains a YouTube Channel that include a number of instructional videos on Excel and SIPmath applications. After retirement from Chevron in 2016 he has volunteered with the non-profit Probability Management ( to promote Decision Quality using SIPmath.

Alex Sidorenko

Alex Sidorenko

Chief Risk Officer, EuroChem

Alex Sidorenko is an expert with over 15 years of private equity, sovereign wealth fund risk management experience across Australia, Russia, Poland and Kazakhstan. In 2014 Alex was named the Risk Manager of the Year by the Russian Risk Management Association.