Measuring Outcomes and Demonstrating Value in Resilience (36 minutes)

Resilience has proven a challenging area in which to practice and demonstrate value. Too often, practitioners in this field use avoidance of an outcome (i.e. company failure or negative impact to reputation) as the driver for investment in resilience initiatives. At the same time, resilience is often perceived as a function to be applied in response to only the most severe events. Both of these limit opportunities to measure and demonstrate the value of resilience. In this presentation, learn how changing the scope of resilience and measuring outcomes can provide many opportunities to learn, grow and deliver demonstrable benefits to organizations seeking to pursue improved levels of response and recovery capability.


Mark's slides

About The Speaker

Mark Armour

Mark Armour

Director Global Business Continuity, Brink's Inc.

Mark Armour is a Business Continuity Professional with 20 years of experience. He is co-author, along with Dr. David Lindstedt, of the Adaptive Business Continuity Manifesto and the book Adaptive Business Continuity: A New Approach.