Risk Intelligence - using AI to transform risk management

Risk Intelligence is about how Artificial Intelligence (AI) can transform risk management to a proactive tool that builds value and drives growth. Based on my newly released book of the same name, this session will review some of the key AI technologies available today on "the cloud". And you don't need to be a data scientist or a IT geek to use. This includes using Knowledge Graphs for supply chain risk, Blockchain to eliminate fraud, and Bayesian Game Theory modelling for strategic planning.

In the post-COVID world one of your biggest challenges is staff behaviour. Remote working, anxiety, zoom fatigue, and lack of social interaction is causing stress and burnout. Behaviour eats strategy for breakfast, so identifying and mitigating staff issues will be one of the top risks of 2022.

As an example of what you can do with AI today, in this session I will show you how to easily create an automated workflow that uses Text Analytics and Sentiment Analysis for carrying out behavioural analysis to monitor risk culture and operational risk.

Whether you're a CRO, a GRC practitioner, or part of a large corporation, AI is the future of risk management, and if you're not on-board you’ll be left behind.

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25% off Kindle or PDF copy of new release "Risk Intelligence - How Artificial Intelligence can transform Risk Management", RRP $34.99

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Gregory slides

About The Speaker



Author, AI Insights