Red is the new Green - How thinking different helps risk management to adapt to tomorrow's challenges.

In traditional risk management, you make decisions based on knowledge from the past. Presently, you process and react by looking into the future. You might call your approach logical if it aligns with your goals. But rational thinking is only part of the story; it never told you how to get to your destination. You need to look at the big picture to get better results and have more fun doing what you love. You need to think differently.

We associate the term "risk management" with concerns about financial problems in retirement. But advances in technology now allow us to manage risk on a much larger scale. It's no longer just a matter of planning - managing potential disasters in advance. It's also about responding quickly and effectively in an emergency, whether a pandemic outbreak or torrential rains.

Today, there are more ways than ever to make good decisions. Yet people are making bad decisions more and more often. That is usually due to either flawed thinking or a lack of information. The old mantra "know your business" no longer applies. We live in a world with so many choices today. It's overwhelming even for seasoned decision-makers. The good news is that this new awareness gives us the tools to make better decisions. We can learn to think differently about our environment and the risks associated with it.

To protect the environment in a way that will benefit future generations, it is time we adopt a different mindset.

Climate change can seem like the biggest and most crucial problem of our time. Yet little has changed in the way we manage risk. We have not reduced our consumption of fossil fuels or our dependence on the laws of nature. Yet, the dangers of climate change have grown immeasurably. It is time to think differently about how we adapt to changes in weather and climate. And also how we can measure and manage them to effectively reduce the risk of irreversible damage to our ecosystem and civilization.

So how is it that we know what to pay attention to but fail to do so? More and more, the human factor is missing.

The last five years have taught us that the environment is more critical than ever. The rhetoric of "climate change" has entered our political discourse. While its science is not fully understood, pressing issues like climate change need bold and concrete action.

If we want to evolve as a species, we need to think differently. Put yourself in the shoes of a 10-year-old child. How would you know which color is best in terms of play technology? Or which toy is most likely to help you get a good grade in school? Do you think the same way adults do? Do you rely on the opinions of experts?

In this presentation, we will address this very discrepancy and introduce new approaches.

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About The Speaker

Andre Daus

Andre Daus

Red Team Leader, Red Team Thinking

Red Team Thinking enables companies around the world to think differently about their business. But we do not provide answers. You already have those. We provide the tools that help find them.