Decision making

Decision-making is the process of identifying and choosing alternatives based on the values, preferences and beliefs of the decision-maker.

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Meet our Speakers

We've gathered some of the top experts in the field to discuss this topic. With years of experience between them, they're well-equipped to offer invaluable insights and perspectives.

Jorge Salazar

Jorge Salazar

Risk Specialist, Nutrien

Yehuda Sapir

Yehuda Sapir

CEO and Owner, Keshet Solutions

Joe Scott

Joe Scott

Principal Wildfire Analyst, Pyrologix

Alex Sidorenko

Alex Sidorenko

Chief Risk Officer, EuroChem

David Vose

David Vose

Vice President of Risk Management, Archer Integrated Risk Management

William W Davis

William W Davis

Senior Project Manager, NCCI Holdings, Inc.

Eng-Wee Ethan Yeo

Eng-Wee Ethan Yeo

Assistant Director of Technology and Standards, ProbabilityManagement.org

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Future trends in Risk Management 2.0 (50 minutes)

Alex Sidorenko

Risk as a Scarce Resource - Boards and the Attraction of Risk Capital (39 minutes)

David R. Koenig

The board's role in risk governance (36 minutes)

Norman Marks

Risk analysis in time series forecasting (42 minutes)

Jorge Salazar

Practical steps to enrich risk analysis with scenario planning (34 minutes)

Henk Krijnen

Measuring Readiness and Building Capability in Business Continuity (37 minutes)

David Lindstedt

Measuring Outcomes and Demonstrating Value in Resilience (36 minutes)

Mark Armour

DAY 1 Summary and key takeaways

Alex Sidorenko

Forest fires and floods are not the same

Joe Scott Sam Savage

Scenario planning for climate and other global threats

Hans Læssøe

Green Accountability and Incentives: Reflecting the Social and Economic Cost of CO2 in New Capital Projects

Robert Brown

Identifying and understanding optionality with value of information

Brian Putt Alex Sidorenko

Using stochastic decision trees to quantify environmental risks

Alex Sidorenko

Understanding uncertainty and discovering levers

Mariia Kozlova

Which risks should a business focus on?

David Vose

DAY 2 Summary and key takeaways

Alex Sidorenko

The next phase of FrankenSME: The latest developments in combining expert judgements

Douglas Hubbard

Successful Risk Taking

Sarah Davis

What you see is all there is - how perception impacts how we see risk

Christian Hunt

The impact that situations have on our behavior and what we can do about it

Kurt Nelson

How expert are your experts?

Graeme Keith

Red is the new Green - How thinking different helps risk management to adapt to tomorrow's challenges.

Andre Daus

Biases and noise in risk assessment

Tim Houlihan

How to spot and avoid three major risk measurement fallacies

Filippo Marino

DAY 3 Summary and key takeaways

Alex Sidorenko